If you’ve ever thought about becoming a Norwex consultant, here are a few of the most frequently asked questions! And be sure to ask me what current incentives we might have going on, because it’s always a great time to create more safe havens.
One part of my journey as a Norwex consultant that I love the most, is introducing our mission to those that have never heard of our company:
Improving quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in homes.
I know that the quality of my family’s life was radically changed the moment we began using Norwex microfiber, and removed harmful chemicals from our home.
But what fuels my fire even more, is mentoring new consultants as they go on to create safe havens for their own friends, family and community.
The Norwex consultant opportunity reflects the spirit of generosity that our company holds.
Here are answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
Becoming a Norwex Consultant
How much does it cost to get started? Well, that depends on you! All new consultants no matter what level of commitment they choose, pay the same amount up front: $9.99 + tax. From there, you can choose to work toward earning your consultant starter kit free, or pay for the kit ($200) after your first 90 days. Norwex wants consultants to jump in with all the tools you need, with a low initial investment! And you’re rewarded for qualifying to earn your starter kit free!
How much do you earn? All consultants – from just cracking open their starter kit to those that have been with us for 20+ years – earn the same discount, 35%. The opportunity for advancement in your income comes with team building!
Do I have to do parties? Well, no! But … you might enjoy it – I certainly do! There are many avenues for you to help families have safer, cleaner and greener homes when you share Norwex. Social selling has become incredibly important in 2020, which can be done on Facebook, Zoom, through text or other online platforms.
What kind of training would I receive? There is no shortage of training available with Norwex! Starting with the consultant (like me!) who introduces you to our company, you will be a part of a collaborative team that encourages, advises and assists when you need it. Through our consultant back office, you will have access to new consultant training in whichever mode suits your busy life best: reading articles, listening to podcasts or watching videos – or any combination!
As our Co-Founder Debbie Bolton (top right in the collage below) says, “We don’t just do business together. We do life together!”.
Would you like to know more? Visit my website and contact me. I’m happy to help answer your questions and see if Norwex might fit in your life – part-time, full time or big time!
How much money do you have to spend/sell per month to keep your account open? Not per rolling 6 months but per month.
Hi Erin! I sent you an email which elaborate a bit more, but we don’t have a monthly quota. Consultants stay in active status when they submit $250 in retail sales over a 3-month period. It could be $250, 0, 0, or $100, $100, $50, etc.
If that is not met, we have a 3-month grace period in which you’d be Inactive status, but still eligible to order, take web orders, and receive manager commissions.
I hope this answers your question, I’m happy to chat more details if you’d like!
My website once again is https://amrohe.norwex.biz. I’ve been with the company for 10 years, if I can’t answer a question I have a supportive system to turn to! Thank you!